
Showing posts from March, 2011 commandments

I spent a few minutes today thinking about my experiences developing on the platform. Overall it has been great, nevertheless, there have been some bumps in the road (and there will be more to come). Here's a list of some commandments that I've come to think of as imperatives for development on NOTE: This is just a list with no particular order of some of what I consider are the most important items. Thou shall not: Say a class or trigger is ready without having any test units Place a SOQL query inside a for loop Place a DML operation (for a single record) inside a for loop Hardcode an id, object prefix or service instance names... anywhere Create a full sandbox without being damn sure you're ready to create it Say a field is hidden by just removing it from a page layout Assume your test units will magically find data in a new org Assume a 75% coverage is good Ignore asserts in your test units Rely on good percentage coverage of oth